Advancing Function, Restoring Balance

Myofunctional therapy helps improve oral and facial muscle function, promoting better breathing, speech, and overall health.

Advancing Function, Restoring Balance

Myofunctional therapy helps improve oral and facial muscle function, promoting better breathing, speech, and overall health.


Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy.

What is Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy?

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) is a professional discipline that evaluates and treats orofacial muscle dysfunction and habit patterns that may disrupt proper growth, impact airway development and lead to a variety of long term health problems.

OMT involves the tongue, lips, soft palate, muscles of mastication and orofacial muscles. Treatment typically consists of a series of exercises and behavioural modification techniques designed to re-educate and strengthen muscles to normalize orofacial muscle function and promote positive craniofacial growth.

The goals of therapy are to encourage nasal breathing by promoting lip seal, establishing proper rest posture of the tongue, normalizing chewing and swallowing patterns, and eliminating noxious oral habits. OMT can also aid in lessening the symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD) and sleep disordered breathing.


Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

What is an Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder (OMD)?

Orofacial myofunctional disorders (OMDs) are behaviours and patterns, created over time, by incorrect muscle function. Possible causes can be due to restricted airway space, noxious oral habits, and structural or physiological abnormalities (like a short lingual frenum, narrow palate, etc).

What are signs or symptoms of an Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder (OMD)?
  • A history of feeding difficulties in infants
  • Altered facial development/growth
  • Poor facial or dental esthetics
  • Malocclusion (misaligned teeth)
  • Messy, loud, or picky eating
  • Chronically enlarged tonsils/adenoids
  • Digestive issues (gas, bloating, etc.)
  • Difficulty articulating certain speech sounds
  • Persistent bed wetting
  • Clenching or grinding teeth
  • Ear pain or other ear related issues
  • Persistent headaches
  • Persistent tension
  • Snoring
  • Poor posture
  • Sleep disordered breathing (sleep apnea)
  • High blood pressure
  • TMD issues or jaw pain
  • Orthodontic relapse
  • Behavioural disorders (including ADHD like symptoms)
What are some examples of Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs)?
  • Tongue thrusting
  • Low tongue posture
  • Mouth breathing​
  • Atypical chewing and swallowing
  • Tongue and lip ties
  • Noxious oral habits such as nail biting, thumb or finger sucking, lip licking, etc.

Myofunctional Therapy is appropriate for all ages

Early intervention is key and habit elimination programs can begin as early as 3 years old; however, OMT can still be effective for children (ages 5+), teenagers, adults and even seniors!

What services are offered?

Habit Elimination Programs (3+ year olds)
Mini-Myo Therapy (therapy designed for children ages 5+)
Pre/Post Frenectomy Therapy
Jaw Stabilization Therapy
Myofunctional Therapy (designed for young adults and adults)

What to expect from therapy

If you have more questions about what Myofunctional Therapy is and whether or not this avenue of treatment is right for you, a 30 minute consultation (either in person or virtual) would be recommended to discuss your goals and the process of therapy. (*Please note, a consultation is the only form of treatment provided virtually at this time. All other appointments are available in person only.)

If you are ready to start, therapy begins with a comprehensive assessment to examine any possible OMDs present. At this appointment, a thorough medical and dental history are taken, as well as, intraoral and extraoral photos and various measurements/assessments. Your goals with treatment are identified and a plan for therapy is made. Therapy works with a multidisciplinary approach, meaning referrals to other health care professionals are made, if necessary, to ensure the most effective treatment possible.

Therapy typically consists of 12-14 sessions over the course of 6-9 months during what is called the intensive, generalization and habituation phases. Therapy follows the following outline (but is progress based and subject to change depending on the age of the patient, their individualized goals, etc.):

  • Intensive Phase (6 Sessions scheduled every 2 weeks)
  • Generalization Phase (4 Sessions scheduled every 2-3 weeks)
  • Habituation Phase (3 Sessions scheduled 1x/ month)
  • Final Evaluation

At therapy appointments, exercises are modeled and relayed to the patient where an ongoing evaluation takes place and I work with you to determine your progress.

Therapy is progress based and subject to change designed around individual needs, meaning what you put into it is what you get out of it! Exercises are typically recommended to be completed 3 times daily for the best results, dropping down to 2 times per day during the habituation phase.

After all phases are complete, a final evaluation appointment is scheduled to determine progress made throughout the program. New assessments/measurements, as well as photos inside and outside the mouth are taken.
The patient has then completed therapy! Maintenance appointments can be provided if needed. A one year follow up re-examination is recommended.

  • $50.00 ~30 Minute Consultation
  • $200.00 ~90 Minute Comprehensive Assessment
  • $120.00 ~30 Minute Therapy Sessions
  • $200.00 ~90 Minute Final Evaluation
  • $480 ~Habit Elimination Program

Therapy is tailored to each individual’s needs. I will work with you to determine the most effective treatment plan!

Coverage for this type of treatment is increasing and is available under select insurance plans! Since each plan is unique, I recommend consulting with your insurance provider to see if this type of treatment is covered! Payment plans and family discounts are also available.


Ready to get started?

Reach out to us! We would be more than happy to discuss treatment options and start setting up appointments.

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    Central Butte Dental Clinic
    52 3rd Ave West
    Central Butte, SK